Computer Science
This category contains all posts that have something to do with theoretical or practical computer science.

Finding an injective mapping with restrictions for values is NP-Complete
Continue reading Finding an injective mapping with restrictions for values is NP-Complete
Efficient algorithm for finding non-productive rules in context-free grammars
Continue reading Efficient algorithm for finding non-productive rules in context-free grammars
Constructing Hilbert-style F0 proofs with a simple graph-based notation
Continue reading Constructing Hilbert-style F0 proofs with a simple graph-based notation
Satisfiability of formulas with both Horn and 2-SAT clauses is NP-Complete
Continue reading Satisfiability of formulas with both Horn and 2-SAT clauses is NP-Complete
Implementing and visualizing Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
Continue reading Implementing and visualizing Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
How propositional logic minimization and gray codes are connected
Continue reading How propositional logic minimization and gray codes are connected2020

Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm explained
Continue reading Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm explained
Visualizing 3D linear transformations and Gaussian elimination with Python and Manim
Continue reading Visualizing 3D linear transformations and Gaussian elimination with Python and Manim
Using the PA=LU factorization to solve linear systems of equations for many right-hand sides efficiently
Continue reading Using the PA=LU factorization to solve linear systems of equations for many right-hand sides efficiently
Measuring the size of a regular language is NP-Hard
Continue reading Measuring the size of a regular language is NP-Hard