Computing the lowest common ancestor in a full binary tree

Computing the lowest common ancestor in a full binary tree

The lowest common ancestor (LCA) problem is important in many applications of binary trees. For example, by knowing the lowest common ancestor we can easily compute the shortest path between any two vertices in a tree. The most common way to compute the lca of vertices uu and vv is to iteratively go up until we get to the root of the subtree containing both uu and vv. This method works only if uu and vv are on the same level. If not, we can first measure the difference of heights dd between uu and vv and then find the lowest common ancestor of the dd-th parent of the lowest vertex and the higher vertex.

LCA in a full binary tree

Full binary trees are often represented implicitly in memory. That means, parent-child relations are determined by looking at the positions of nodes in the array. For example, in this tree the nodes are numbered the way they will be positioned in the array:

Binary tree with 15 vertices

In a full binary tree the parent of node xx is p(x):=x12p(x):=\left\lfloor\frac{x-1}{2}\right\rfloor, and children are 2x+12 \cdot x + 1 and 2x+22 \cdot x + 2. Formally speaking, for nodes aa and bb on the same level we would like to find the value of pn(a)p^n(a) such that pn(a)=pn(b)p^n(a) = p^n(b) for n minimal. In binary representation, dividing by 2 and discarding the remainder is equivalent to shifting the number by 1 bit to the right. In order to use this we can just add 1 to each node index:

Binary tree with 15 vertices

With this change we can implement the lca algorithm:

uint32_t lca_sameLevel(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
    while (a != b) {
        a >>= 1u;
        b >>= 1u;
    return a;

This algorithm works because the lowest common ancestor is the longest common prefix of the binary representation of both nodes.

If we address nodes starting with one, then any nodewith level ll will be greater than or equal to 2l2^l. Therefore, the amount of leading zeroes in the binary representation of nodes in the same level is equal. Moreover, the difference of amounts of leading zeroes is equal to the difference of levels. With this idea we can now implement the algorithm that correctly finds the lowest common ancestor for any pair of nodes.

uint32_t lca(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
    uint32_t aLeadingZeroes = __builtin_clz(a);
    uint32_t bLeadingZeroes = __builtin_clz(b);
    while (aLeadingZeroes > bLeadingZeroes) {
        b >>= 1u;
    while (bLeadingZeroes > aLeadingZeroes) {
        a >>= 1u;
    while (a != b) {
        a >>= 1u;
        b >>= 1u;
    return a;

It is also easy to modify the algorithm slightly so that it works for elements indexed starting from zero.

#include <stdint.h>

uint32_t lca(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
    uint32_t aLeadingZeroes = __builtin_clz(a);
    uint32_t bLeadingZeroes = __builtin_clz(b);
    while (aLeadingZeroes > bLeadingZeroes) {
        b >>= 1u;
    while (bLeadingZeroes > aLeadingZeroes) {
        a >>= 1u;
    while (a != b) {
        a >>= 1u;
        b >>= 1u;
    return a - 1u;

Complexity: O(log(n))O(\log(n)) where nn is the amount if nodes in the tree.


If the we want to find the lowest common ancestor of 8 and 10 (indexed from zero), then we add 1 to both of them and find the longest common prefix. In this case it is the longest common prefix of 1001 and 1011 which is 10 = 2 in decimal. 2 is the lowest common ancestor in the tree with increased indices, so in the original tree the lowest common ancestor is 2 - 1 = 1.

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